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Today's Quote

A Prayer For This Web Site
Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many voices; Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak where many listen and write what many read; that they may do their part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound, and its will righteous; to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"For those who Influence Public Opinion,"
Book of Common Prayer, page 827

In our church, neither a person's gender nor their sexual orientation matter; what does matter is how they serve Jesus Christ as Lord.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Starting Your Worship Here With the Basics

What are these books in the rack in front of me?

The red book is the Book of Common Prayer. Our entire service and a lot of other stuff is contained in it.

The blue book is our hymnal. The songs we will sing are indicated in the bulletin the Usher gave you and on the hymn boards on the wall in front. The music is played on an organ and on many Sundays we have a choir, although during the summer months the choir takes a vacation. Please feel free to join in the singing.

Why is everyone so quiet?

It is an Episcopal custom to take time before the service to 'say hello' to God, perhaps with a prayer, go over the Scripture readings of the day, the other announcements printed in the bulletin, and prepare in our own way for communion. And by the way, everyone is invited to come to the altar rail for communion, including yourself, if you have been baptized and consider yourself a Christian.

Speaking of which, what is all this stuff I was given when I came in?

The major parts of the service are in the bulletin. The bulletin directs you to the page numbers in the Book of Common Prayer(the red book). The insert in the bulletin has the scripture lessons for the day printed in it. The back of the bulletin has a calendar of events in the week ahead and the schedule of services, etc.

The insert with the day's lessons has a colored top and the title of the particular day in the church calendar. The first prayer, known as the Collect is shown in two versions, the Traditional and the Contemporary. We use the Contemporary version, except during the Advent and Lenten seasons.

The INTERCESSIONS page in the bulletin is a page for prayers. Those listed in the intercessions are persons for whom we offer special prayers. If you would like to add someone to the list, please place their name on a slip of paper in the offering plate.


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